“Your Victory is Coming”

  1. KayeLoni says:

    This resonates with me so much, except I am the one with seizures and such. I commend you, I try to get things from my mother’s perspective and it’s so hard sometimes for us to communicate <3 Thank you for sharing.

    Read the book, "Good Morning, Beautiful."
    I cried a lot reading it but it is incredible and my hopes is it will help with some of those alone or helpless feelings.

    <3 Sending you and your family all my thoughts and prayers

    • Thank you so much. I will definitely check out the book. I understand the difficulties that come with a family suffering with any type of chronic illness/issue. I pray that you will be able to find common ground and know that she loves you so much and only wants what is best for you. ❤️❤️

  2. Jenn says:

    Beautiful, hugs and kisses:)

  3. Ug. I’m sorry babe. I am always praying for her everytime I see these posts. For her health and for peace of mind for mommy and daddy.

    Love you xx

  4. Kris Secord says:

    LOVE!! ❤️

  5. Karla Gonzalez says:

    Thinking of your little one and you guys. Stay strong and give her a hug for me!

  6. Cindy Anning says:

    I love you! This is a beautiful way to share and to, hopefully, make it so that you can have more time for other things. I know with so much support you feel a certain obligation to answer those texts, but that in itself is beyond exhausting. Always thinking of you, praying lots and lots… *hugs*

  7. highslax says:

    Hope everything gets better soon. It pisses me off you guys have to endure this so frequently. As always we are here to help. And if you need someone to bring you food and take it back, call Kristina.

  8. Mary says:

    Aimee, We love you, and Hold Eliza, You and Aaron in our hearts. You are an amazing mother and human being. Please take care of yourself.

  9. Sandy says:

    Sweet girl, you have such a way with words, as you do adults and children! Eliza is never more than one thought away and always in our heart.

  10. Christina says:

    I love that I can hear your voice in your writing. Eliza has officially converted me into a daily prayer – not the words but a person who prays. XOXO

  11. that makes me the happiest!!

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